Clipboard - Clipboard


The <ReactDataGrid /> supports copy-paste to system clipboard - see the examples below for a demo.
In order to enable clipboard module, specify enableClipboard={true}
There are two ways to copy the active row or the selected cells to the clipboard:
  • either right-click and select Copy from the context menu,
  • or with the key combination Ctrl/Cmd + C.
There are also two ways to paste the active row or selected cells:
  • either right-click and Paste from the context menu,
  • or by the key combination Ctrl/Cmd + V.

Copy-paste the active row

If the clipboard module is enabled, the active row is copied to clipboard and pasted to the selected row.
When the active row is copied to clipboard, onCopyActiveRowChange callback is triggered; when the active row is pasted from clipboard, onPasteActiveRowChange is triggered.

Copy-paste selected cells

If the clipboard module is enabled, the selected cells are copied to clipboard and pasted to the active cell.
When the selected cells are copied to clipboard, onCopySelectedCellsChange callback is triggered; when the selected cells are pasted from clipboard, onPasteSelectedCellsChange callback is triggered.